
20 Movie Reviews

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I realy like the graphics in this movie!! And the Japerish ,,, lol i thought it was an actual eastern language so good one !!!

I think the animations could be a bit smoother, i felt like you missed out on that, but good gfx and a nice overall movie!

keep up the work!

Dutch movie, dutch review ,,,sorry

Hej top gedaan man! heel leuk filmpje!!

Je ziet maar weinig dingen wat met nederland te maken heeft, iig ben zelf ook met een project bezig; het vervolg van Dutch Squad, neem maar is een kijkje, en laat graag weten wat je er van vind!


So awesome

cant get over the fact how many times this movie made me laugh!!
I looove the first seen ,,,it's not important i reconize so much from the actual game.

Continue the awesome work!!

Not bad

Your fbf is surtainly not bad, but maybe its an id to keep the background the same colour bc that was the thing that kinda enoyed me.

But pretty good, keep up the work!

BarbedWireClock responds:

I think making it stay in the same background is pretty boring, so it's pretty better to make it alternately change like a rave flash.


Not a big fan of ff at all but is see a decnt movie.

Allways appreciate seeing that someone put allot of time in there stuff.

who the hell is cloud btw?

SiMpSoN-bRuVaS responds:

decent movie, ty dude, i did put alot of time and effort into it xD Cloud is the main charater in final fantasy 7 hes got blond spiky hair, xD, =p

rising star

Heey verry good little man!

i myself have no id how to make a preloader like that;)

Keep on the work man!

greetz from holland


I have never seen a movie like this one before. I also never enjoyed a movie when I allready seen it for maybe 15 times ! verry good job , i'm thinking you are making part two because you stopped the movie in the beginning of the game , is this thrue ? i sure hope so ,if you are ,good luck !

first part ,,realy impressive

why in gods name the part after te cat fight
the last part was awefull
verry good job on the first part though

Omg that was realy good

Well we got another number one ! It has the grapics of the bity series and to top that it has a great twisted story of red riding hood
.GREAT job man

Pretty good flash but...

I will have to disagree with GaZzZ i think the graphics of the movie where pretty bad but still the movie was great good chioce of music etc etc .if you gonna make a series out of this try to make better graphics it's not much harder and making the movie it self would be the same. good luck!

Age 36, Male




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